Social Controls. Our Factory, INTERTEK SMETA Control

INTERTEK by 04.02.2013 QUOTE on control. This control creates the majority of British and EU firms, suppliers and customers of ethical and social review and provides specific criteria is a control that allows the intake of goods from companies. This topic is very bad conditions of workers and global brand companies created by the reaction among the public, particularly products cheaply from after suppliers brings a certain standard must be in standard control system. I was reflecting on the process of urea our company, quality is in the process of this control as a result of the 04.02.2013 who wanted to be in control, reference has been made. Producing, working and fulfilling public responsibilities of our company is the reason our clients superior service and quality have to offer your products in accordance with the terms of the Foundation's power of REGENERATION of the day, resuming HIS HALO available, business CONDUCT, EMPLOYEE safety and environmental standards is to continue production and trade conditions. SEDEX/QUOTE Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), non-profit London-England-centric and suppliers is an organization that aims to share the data of ethics. Member companies all over the world. The firms that make up the supply chain Sedex ethical issues aimed at continuous development of a community of buyers. Companies use common data base to Sedex, workgroups and the decision to take part in, and the other in order to participate in Sedex members. SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) documents; the report format, remediation plan will be able to set an example to the companies on issues of ethics and good practices. Ethics/Social Compliance audit of the companies as a member of Sedex system and installing the controls reports through the system; We gave the authority the results of the audit are to be seen by more than one member of Sedex provides, and so different members of the firms do not need to enter the control multiple times. A large portion of the loaded report Sedex system, based on the principles of ETI audits reports are belonging to. Netpak Packaging our customers domestic and abroad work as yurk terms, quality control, and we control our reported capacity information, employee health, ethical and social aspects of our quality by examining the documented.

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